Literacy Planet

Literacy Planet

LiteracyPlanet is a comprehensive online literacy resource for students in K-10. The program has thousands of interactive exercises that are aligned to the 65 curriculums globally and covers all key areas from phonics, sightwords, spelling, reading, comprehension and grammar.  

LiteracyPlanet has customers in more than 70 countries and is used as both a core and supplementary program to support the development of english literacy skills in native speaking and ESL environments. Started in 2010 with a mission to help students and teachers through making learning fun, the program has continued to evolve as digital learning becomes more established in the classroom. 

Demonstration of capabilities

Comprehensive customer driven and adaptable products

  • As an early digital learning program, LiteracyPlanet has had to help customers evolve in their use of digital learning tools. As a result, their platform has needed to be adaptable for use in classroom, home, tutoring for both native and ESL markets. 
  • Also, with their international growth, they needed to be able to demonstrate how their program aligned with the local curriculum. After a year’s worth of development they were able to build the capability to localise for these markets and now are aligned to 65 curriculums globally.

Use of data, evidence & thought leadership

  • LiteracyPlanet captures an enormous amount of data within its program. In 2018 they engaged PWC to review 8 years of data to help determine how the program works most effectively in a range of scenarios. With millions of data points analysed, this was then used to work with customers based on their student needs and to influence future program design for the use of adaptive learning.

Shane Davies

Adam McArthur

Education sector


2,000 Institutions

Export revenue

Export markets
Europe, Middle East & Africa

Commenced exporting