Sector Overview and Statistics

Australia is home to an array of companies, consultants and advisors across the education technology and innovation sector.

The Australian EdTech sector

We have defined an Australian EdTech company as one that was founded in Australia or by an Australian which is impacting learners domestically and internationally. 

An Australian EdTech and Innovation business is one that is building innovative education products or services using technology in one of these areas:

  • Platforms for administration, student management, content management and learning management within the education sector.
  • Digital learning content or services used by learners, education providers or corporations connected to education and learning.
  • Consultants and advisors with specialist EdTech domain knowledge that support the education sector with expertise on product design, learning design or organisational development.


EdTech companies


EdTech employees

$3.6 Bn

EdTech revenue

Economic impact

Economic impact of Australia’s EdTech companies that were founded by Australians or within Australia.

Domestic and Export Revenue by Company Maturity

The Australian EdTech sector is an active exporter taking Australian education global.

Every Australian EdTech company that is generating more than $2M annual revenue is exporting.

The Australian EdTech ecosystem

Australia’s EdTech companies are spread across the country. This map shows where Australia’s EdTech companies have their head office as of June 2023.

EdTech Company Maturity

Early stage startups
Less than $500K revenue or captial raised and less then 5 employees

Late stage startups
$500K to $2M revenue or capital raised and 6-29 employees

Established companies
More than $2M revenue or capital raised and 30 or more employees

Consultants and advisors with specialist EdTech domain knowledge that support the EdTech sector with experise in product design, learning design or organisational development.

EdTech Companies by Target Customer

Australia’s EdTech companies provide products targeted across the entire teaching and learning spectrum.

Workforce Participation by Gender